(865) 436-2849

Join Us At Church. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life

Tag: Sevierville Community Center

  • Seymour, Tennessee

    Seymour, Tennessee

    Seymour, Tennessee is a great location for many as they choose where they would like to live in the East Tennessee area. Located between Knoxville and Sevierville, sharing Blount and Sevier County, learn more about Seymour and why many choose this area. *Note*Seymour is an unincorporated community west of Sevierville and located in Sevier and…

  • Sevierville, Tennessee

    Sevierville, Tennessee

    Sevierville, Tennessee, is a beautiful community located less than an hour away (or even less than 30 minutes) from the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. As a bustling community, Sevierville enjoys the benefits of being the “bedroom community” of Sevier County, but its tourism attractions have also developed over the years. Sevierville has a wide…